Monday, July 6, 2009

discussion reading shipka answers

2. Using your newfound understanding of the aforementioned theory, let's say you were a teacher. How would you explain to a student how this theory works? Give an example of a creative assignment or project that would allow room for students to make their own choices and negotiate objectives, rules tools, materials, conventions of specific communicative genres, activitity system or discipline.

I would try to teach the students by making them do a project in which they try to come up with creative ways to teach other students regarding this topic by researching it themselves, and of course I'll provide some background as to what this topic is about. It is because I am of the belief that if one can be good enough to teach others, then they'll have to know the topic really well. Apart from this project idea though, I genuinely think that teaching them directly in class would be the best idea (and testing them), because it will force the students into studying and learning the material this way; those creative projects are merely excuses for the lazy students who are not willing to study (at least the way I see it)...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

podcast analysis

i listened to a story about "switched at birth" from "this american life." it was a really good story about how the daughters of the millers and mcdonalds were switched at birth, and the truth was not revealed until 40 years later after such a switch has happened. the podcast went by first reading the letter from the millers to mcdonalds, and then they did sort of interviewing format where they asked each of the party invovled to talk about what their perspective was. and the characters tell about how after they found out about the truth, they all thought that it had to be, because for some reason the daughters had different characteristics as the parents or even their siblings. apart from this interviewing format, some other elements of composition i noticed was the switch in music and stop in the talking once in a while to indicate that there will be a switch in the person talking, or some kind of development in the story.

i enjoyed listening to the radio. i thought that the story was poignant, because i also know someone with a story similar to this one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

photo essay response-s

sushmita- apparently playing poker, i suppose... her idea was to show the progression of a poker game and possibly the emotions invovled with it... some grim expressions, some surpised faces, some seriuos faces, some happy faces, and so forth. it is stimulating in the sense that it makes me want to guess what is actually going on...

rasheena- so it seems like one person is color blind while the other is not and there is some kind of contrast going on between the two... i THINK the black n white is baby's perspective.... and color is someone else (probably an adult, seeing how there are two shoes... one big one small... and thats just about what I have noticed).

raquel- those that are under construction versus those that are not as we walk around the campus... a progression of developing and not... or may be what she sees as she is going home every day from class...

nick-a drive around the suburban town....? a view from the car...

megan- a walk around the apartment and of the outside view... i thought that the pictures were visually pleasing... and the story was probably a walk...

dan- walking through library and looking at books? i liked the photos, they were well taken and at the right perspective... it was cool how the lights were turning on and off...

crystal- i thought that it was interesting how there were so many types of images, and after explanation it seems more clear that it is about a train of thought regarding our lives...

aaron- i feel like im in a beach... it is just refreshing to see the nature... i want to go kuala lumpur again!

discussion question answer reading four

2. Do you hear that? [Pause] Sound is all around you. Take a moment to pause and type out all the different sounds that you hear. Describe them as acutely as possible.

Yes I hear. I hear the sound of people typing on keyboard, as if I can tell what they are typing (by the way, different keys do produce different sound frequencies... random fact, haha). I also hear the sound of air conditioner roaming, sound of my breathing, heart beat, and very faintly that of people around me as well. I also hear my flip flop slapping against the bottom of my foot and my fingers fretting and rubbing against each other as I think about what I am going to type next. May be because this is library, I'm not hearing anything more. Oh yeah. Mr. Stone was talking just a few moments ago, and someone is asking questions, generating a lot more sound than before. I hear the footsteps and the mouse clicking. I'm not too sure what else I hear though- I bet I could hear the computer running and of the electrical signals flowing through the wires if I had hearing of a bat- which I don't, unfortunately...

And that's all I hear, at least the ones that I can identify.

discussion question reading four

1. Name a site that you go to on web (that has some kind of sound). What purpose do you think the sound served on the particular website? If you ever made a website of the same theme, would you use same/similar kinds of sounds? Why/Why not?

2. How much do you think aural/visual elements are correlated, if at all? How do they interact with each other (What impact do they have on each other)? Do you think that it is possible for us to perceive them serparately when we are watching, say, a flash movie?

3. "Listening for silence is complicated because it involves listening for an absent presence,
what is there and not there." What are some cases in which the absence of a sound can make a point in presentation of a media?