Wednesday, July 1, 2009

discussion question answer reading four

2. Do you hear that? [Pause] Sound is all around you. Take a moment to pause and type out all the different sounds that you hear. Describe them as acutely as possible.

Yes I hear. I hear the sound of people typing on keyboard, as if I can tell what they are typing (by the way, different keys do produce different sound frequencies... random fact, haha). I also hear the sound of air conditioner roaming, sound of my breathing, heart beat, and very faintly that of people around me as well. I also hear my flip flop slapping against the bottom of my foot and my fingers fretting and rubbing against each other as I think about what I am going to type next. May be because this is library, I'm not hearing anything more. Oh yeah. Mr. Stone was talking just a few moments ago, and someone is asking questions, generating a lot more sound than before. I hear the footsteps and the mouse clicking. I'm not too sure what else I hear though- I bet I could hear the computer running and of the electrical signals flowing through the wires if I had hearing of a bat- which I don't, unfortunately...

And that's all I hear, at least the ones that I can identify.

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