Wednesday, June 17, 2009

discussion questions first reading answers

from megan's blog

3. On page 48 Bolter talks about how the goal in Disney's Toy Story is to make the computer disappear and appear as human-like as possible. Does this suggest an acceptance by society of the concept of artificial intelligence?

I don't think it implies either case (accepting or rejecting artificial intelligence). I just think that the movie was just one of those that stimulates childish imaginations- when I was young, at least, I wished that my Lego blocks will come to life at certain point. Take example of just about any animation movie involving non-human objects- they're all human like, and they act human. It would not be so interesting if say, the animals only barked and meowed the entire movie (we just don't understand... hence talking animals). The point I'm getting at, is that Toy Story was just made that way for marketability(or comprehensibility, I suppose), but is not indicative of our attitude towards artificial intelligence (concept of).

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